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Selected Publications

Pham, Michel Tuan, Alisa Yinghao Wu, and Danqi Wang (2024), "Benchmarking Scholarship in Consumer Research: The p-Index of Thought Leadership," Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 51 (1), 191-203. (50th Anniversary Issue of JCR).

Pham, Michel Tuan (2023), “Are Scientific Practices Improving in Consumer Research? A Glass Half-Full and Half-Empty,” Marketing Letters, 34 (3), 375-382.

Oh, Travis Tae and Michel Tuan Pham (2022), "A Liberating Engagement Theory of Consumer Fun," Journal of Consumer Research, 49 (June), 46-73. (Editor's Choice Article; 2023 Ferber Award Honorable Mention.)

Pham, Michel Tuan and Travis Tae Oh (2021), “On Not Confusing the Tree of Trustworthy Statistics with the Greater Forest of Good Science: A Comment on Simmons et al.’s Perspective on Preregistration,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31 (January), 181-185.


Pham, Michel Tuan and Travis Tae Oh (2021), “Preregistration Is Neither Sufficient, Nor Necessary for Good Science,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31 (January), 163-176.


Melumad, Shiri and Michel Tuan Pham (2020), “The Smartphone as a Pacifying Technology,” Journal of Consumer Research, 47 (August), 237-255. (2023 JCR Best Article Award; 2021 Ferber Award Honorable Mention; Best Paper Award, 2019 La Londe Conference)


Pham, Michel Tuan and Jennifer J. Sun (forthcoming), “On the Experience and Engineering of Consumer Pride, Consumer Excitement, and Consumer Relaxation in the Marketplace,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (March), 101-127.

He, Daniel, Shiri Melumad, and Michel Tuan Pham (2019), “The Pleasure of Assessing and Expressing Our Likes and Dislikes,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (October), 545-563.


Chen, Charlene Y. and Michel Tuan Pham (2019), “Affect Regulation and Consumer Behavior,” Consumer Psychology Review, Vol. 2, 114-144.


Melumad, Shiri, Jeffrey J. Inman, and Michel Tuan Pham, "Selectively Emotional: How Smartphone Use Changes User-Generated Content," Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (April), 259-275. (Finalist, 2019 Paul. E. Green Award; Finalist 2024 Weitz-Winer-O'Dell Award)

Chang, Hannah H. and Michel Tuan Pham (2018), “Affective Boundaries of Scope Insensitivity,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (August), 403–428


Aydinli, Aylin, Yangjie Gu, and Michel Tuan Pham (2017), “An Experience Utility Explanation of the Preference for Larger Assortments,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (3), 746-760.

Faraji-Rad, Ali and Michel Tuan Pham (2017), “Uncertainty Increases the Reliance on Affect in Decisions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (June), 1-21. (Lead article)

Pham, Michel Tuan, Ali Faraji-Rad, Olivier Toubia, and Leonard Lee (2015), “Affect as an Ordinal System of Utility Assessment,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 132 (November), 81-94.

Michel Tuan Pham, Maggie Geuens, and Patrick De Pelsmaker (2013), “The Influence of Ad-Evoked Feelings on Brand Evaluations: Empirical Generalizations from Consumer Responses to More Than 1,000 TV Commercials,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 30 (4), 383-394.  

Michel Tuan Pham (2013), “The Seven Sins of Consumer Psychology,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 23 (October), 411-423. (Invited)


Hannah H. Chang and Michel Tuan Pham (2013), “Affect as a Decision-Making System of the Present.” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 40 (June), 42-63. (Best Paper Award, 2009 La Londe Conference.)


Avnet, Tamar, Michel Tuan Pham, and Andrew T. Stephen (2012), “Consumers’ Trust in Feelings as Information,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 39 (December), 720-735.  


Michel Tuan Pham, Leonard Lee, and Andrew T. Stephen (2012), “Feeling the Future: The Emotional Oracle Effect.” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 39 (October), 461-477.  


Michel Tuan Pham, Iris Hung, and Gerald Gorn (2011), “Relaxation Increases Monetary Valuations,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 48 (October), 814-826.


Greifeneder, Rainer, Herbert Bless, and Michel Tuan Pham (2011), “When do People Rely on Affective and Cognitive Feelings in Judgment?: A Review,” Personality and Social Psychology Review, 15(2), 107-141. (Lead article).  


Pham, Michel Tuan and Hannah Chang (2010), “Regulatory Focus, Regulatory Fit, and the Search and Consideration of Choice Alternatives,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (December), 626-640.


Pham, Michel Tuan, Caroline Goukens, Donald R. Lehmann, and Jennifer Ames Stuart (2010), “Shaping Customer Satisfaction through Self-Awareness Cues,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (October), 920-932.


Michel Tuan Pham and Tamar Avnet (2009), “Rethinking Regulatory Engagement Theory.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(2), 115-123.


Michel Tuan Pham and Tamar Avnet (2009), “Contingent Reliance on the Affect Heuristic as a Function of Regulatory Focus.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,108(2), 267-278.


Pham, Michel Tuan (2009), “The Lexicon and Grammar of Affect-as-Information in Consumer Decision Making: The GAIM,” in Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior, Michaela Wänke (Ed.), Psychology Press, 167-200.


Stephen, Andrew T. and Michel Tuan Pham (2008), “On Feelings as a Heuristic for Making Offers in Ultimatum Negotiations,” Psychological Science, 19(10), 1051-1058.


Cohen, Joel B., Michel Tuan Pham, and Eduardo Andrade “ (2008)  The Nature and Role of Affect in Consumer Behavior,” in the Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Curt is P. Haugtvedt, Paul M. Herr, and Frank R. Kardes (Eds), Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 297-348.


Pham, Michel Tuan (2007), “Emotion and Rationality: A Critical Review and Interpretation of Empirical Evidence,” Review of General Psychology, 11 (2), 155-178.


Johnson, Eric J., Michel Tuan Pham, and Gita V. Johar (2007), “Consumer Behavior and Marketing,” Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (2nd Edition). Ed. E. Tory Higgins and Arie W. Kruglanski, Guilford Press, 869-887.


Johar, Gita Venkataramani, Michel Tuan Pham, and Kirk Wakesfield (2006), “How Event Sponsors are Identified. A (Baseball) Field Analysis,” Journal of Advertising Research, Volume 46: 183–198.


Raghunathan, Rajagopal, Michel Tuan Pham, and Kim P. Corfman (2006), “Informational Properties of Anxiety and Sadness, and Displaced Coping,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 32 (March), 596-602.


Pham, Michel Tuan and E. Tory Higgins (2005), “Promotion and Prevention in Consumer Decision Making: The State of the Art and Theoretical Propositions,” in Inside Consumption: Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires, S. Ratneshwar & David Glen Mick (eds.), London, UK: Routledge, pp. 8-43. (Lead chapter)


Pham, Michel Tuan (2004), “The Logic of Feeling,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 14 (4), 360-369.


Zhou, Rongrong and Michel Tuan Pham (2004), “Promotion and Prevention across Mental Accounts: How Financial Products Dictate Consumers’ Investment Goals.” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31 (June), 125-135.


Pham, Michel Tuan and Tamar Avnet (2004), “Ideals and Oughts and the Weighting of Affect versus Substance in Persuasion.” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 30 (March), 503-518.


Pham, Michel Tuan and A.V. Muthukrishnan (2002), “Search and Alignment in Judgment Revision: Implications for Brand Positioning.”  Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 39 (1), 18-30.


Pham, Michel Tuan, Joel B. Cohen, John Pracejus, and G. David Hughes (2001), “Affect Monitoring and the Primacy of Feelings in Judgment,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 28 (September), 167-188.  (Finalist for JCR best article award.)


Gorn, Gerald, Michel Tuan Pham, and Leo Yatming Sin (2001), “When Arousal Influences Ad Evaluation and Valence Does Not (and Vice Versa),” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 11 (1), 43-55.


Muthukrishnan, A. V., Michel Tuan Pham, and Amitabh Mungalé (2001), “Does Greater Amount of Information Always Bolster Attitudinal Resistance?,” Marketing Letters, Vol. 12 (2), 131-144.


Pham, Michel Tuan, Tom Meyvis, and Rongrong Zhou (2001), “Beyond the Obvious: Chronic Imagery Vividness and Decision Making,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 84 (2), 226-253.


Pham, Michel Tuan and Gita Venkataramani Johar (2001), “Prominence Biases in Sponsor Identification: Processes and Consequentiality,” Psychology & Marketing, Special Issue on Commercial Sponsorship, Vol. 18 (2), 123-143.


Muthukrishnan, A. V., Michel Tuan Pham, and Amitabh Mungalé (1999), “Comparison Opportunity and Judgment Revision,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 80 (December), 228-251.


Johar, Gita Venkataramani and Michel Tuan Pham (1999), "Relatedness, Prominence, and Constructive Sponsor Identification," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36 (August), 299-312.  (Lead article)


Raghunathan, Rajagopal and Michel Tuan Pham (1999), “All Negative Moods are Not Equal: Motivational Influences of Anxiety and Sadness in Decision Making,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 71 (July), 56-77.


Pham, Michel Tuan (1998), “Representativeness, Relevance, and the Use of Feelings in Decision Making," Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 25 (September), 144-159.   (1999 Robert Ferber Award: Honorable Mention)


Pham, Michel Tuan and Marc Vanhuele (1997), “Analyzing the Memory Impact of Advertising Fragments,” Marketing Letters, Vol. 8 (4), 407-417.


Pham, Michel Tuan and Gita Venkataramani Johar (1997), “Contingent Processes of Source Identification,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 23 (December), 249-265.  (Lead article.)


Pham, Michel Tuan (1996), "Heuristiques et Biais Décisionnels en Marketing," Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Vol. 11 (4), 53-69.


Pham, Michel Tuan (1996), "Cue Representation and Selection Effects of Arousal in Persuasion," Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.  22 (March), 373-387.


Derbaix, Christian and Michel T. Pham (1991), "Affective Reactions to Consumption Situations: A Pilot Investigation," Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 12, 325-355.


Derbaix, Christian and Michel T. Pham (1989), "Pour un Développement des Mesures de l'Affectif en Marketing: Synthèse des Prérequis," Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 4 (4), 71-87.*

© 2018 by Michel Tuan Pham

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